Memes & Memos
Have you heard of Jumo?

According to the website, Jumo is "a social network connecting individuals and organizations who want to change the world." What does that even mean? In a nutshell, Jumo will be a space for people to find opportunities to give back, volunteer and advocate for causes that are important to them.

It may sound like just another social networking site, unless you consider that Jumo's founder Chris Hughes was a co-founder of Facebook and worked on Obama's 2008 campaign.

Jumo's founders say that they are "not interested in the big red donate button," but rather, building lasting relationships. I would argue that most organizations would like -- and need -- a big red donate button.

Jumo is easy to join if you have a Facebook profile. I'll be interested to see this site develops as more organizations -- particularly local organizations -- are added to the site.

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